The Magnificence of Hypnosis

I initially came to Rhonda for a personal issue. After much research on her part as this was a new subject for her, I am making great strides in bettering myself in this issue as well as a couple of others. I am feeling much more confident in myself now with her help.

Roger Z., Gasport, NY


Even today, when the field of Hypnosis is discussed, merely mentioning the word hypnosis, can conjure up insecurities under the influence of a hypnotist who can make you quack and waddle like a duck!

Ethical hypnotists help everyday people with everyday problems.  The icebergs many people face is that they are most conscious, most focused, and most frightful on what is going on now, what is current, and what state they current live in.  This leaves little to no attention on what can be different, what changes they can make and how their lives can look when they become healthier, happier and more successful.

A hypnotist is your mentor in assisting you on how to take your focus off of your “reality” and thus your brain waves slow down into an altered and relaxed stated.  The chatter in your head lessens, and as you drift away into an alpha state of consciousness, your senses become actively alert to new suggestions and creative outcomes.  The longer you remain here, you offer less resistance to uphold your current physical, financial and emotional state of being.  You allow new information to enter into your subconscious mind, and when your elevated emotions align with the future you visualize for yourself, you are open to accepting, believing and surrendering to intentional thoughts equal to your relaxed and positive emotions.  This means your thoughts, visions and feelings make it past your rational mind and you can program your subconscious to create the new makeup of your new future.  For this is where your power to change lies.

During your hypnosis session you remain in trace which is important because here you align your body with your new future, you are changing your inner world with new mind movies of your new future.  Hypnotist Dr. Joe Dispenza couldn’t put it any better:


The act of feeling the emotions of your desired future in the present moment and combining these emotions with your intention does two things:  it installs new circuits to make your brain an intentional map to the future and it also produces the emotional chemicals for that future event, which signals new genes in new ways, thus conditioning your body to prepare it for a new destiny.”

Who knows what can happen for you when you leave your first session…you might find yourself walking more confidently like a one who is happy, behaving as if you were wealthier, thinking more nobly, feeling more worthy and empowered, able to let minor offenses stay minor and allow them to bounce off and away from you like swatting away a pesky fly.  Only you have the power to choose what has influence over you and the direction where you are going.  My job as a hypnotist, is to be your guide by leading you to where you wish to go in your own mind.

If you believe hypnosis to be magical, you would be mistaken, even though some people come for a single session and believe their problem is cured right away, and they are correct.  Other clients need to come for weekly sessions to break free old and stagnant iceberg thoughts that have frozen themselves stubbornly into their unconscious realm.  Together we work to melt them, watch them float away and replace them with more empowering ones.   

However, if you say hypnosis can create miracles in your everyday life, I will whole-heartedly agree, for a miracle is nothing but a shift in perspective and whatever perspective you choose to hold, that is where your life begins again anew.  Hypnosis provides the tools for your ordinary problems to become extraordinarily transformed into your oasis of freedom and possibilities! 


Rhonda Bartholomew